To make it even easier for members to find out what’s happening at Croydon Sailing Club, we’ve created a new WhatsApp group.
The group is used to keep members up-to-date with things like social events and opening times for free sailing (recreational/non-race sailing), and can be used to help facilitate DO and ADO swaps if you find you’re unable to make it to the lake.
If you’re on WhatsApp but aren’t currently a member of the CSC group, contact us with your mobile number and we’ll get you added.
If you don’t already have WhatsApp, it’s completely free and you can get it here.
Too many notifications? Don’t leave, just mute
While we make every effort not to overwhelm the WhatsApp group with messages, if you decide that you’d like to follow the conversation without beeps and alerts, don’t forget that you can always mute the group and just dip in when you see something interesting or need to ask a question.